Saturday 6 October 2012


Wonder Woman
This one image really stood out to me. Seeing Wonder Woman, this strong female character being carried by a man is so different from what you usually see of Wonder Woman.
This particular issue was created after the creator William Marston died , and the message of pro female got dropped. The story become more about her relationship with her boyfriend who was trying to get her to retire so she would marry him and cook and clean for him.

Jennifer Blood
'Jennifer Blood' is a comic by Garth Ennis about a woman who cooks and cleans etc, a house wife and mum by day and by night a ruthless vigilante. This image on the cover of one of the comics rally sticks out to me because you have this woman, in a apron, in pink, the perfect image of a house wife, but then she is holding some kind of weapon, showing shes not just a weak house wife, but shes strong too. The image makes you want to find out who she really is.

I love the art work in this comic by Andriano Batista, its the style that I want to do for my final film, the characters and the backgrounds.

Brothers In Arms
This is a comic (which is also a video game) that I came across to do with war, that really caught my attention most with its use of colours and how each image is created with mostly one colour but different shades. The artwork is by David Fabbri, I love the style and thats the direction I want to go in.

Dust Wars
Dust wars is another comic that caught my eye, with its images, the artwork, which is also done by David Fabbri. I really like this guy's artwork, the characters and the backgrounds.
The character on the front cover stood out to me a lot because its an image of what appears to be this really strong female, in what looks like army gear, but again wearing a piece of clothing that is pink to maybe show her feminine side.

 Waltz with Bashir
 Waltz with Bashir is an animated documentary film by Ari Folman about his experience as a soldier and memories in the Lebanon War. I love the artwork and the animation in this! The characters are very comic book like and I love the backgrounds. This animation has inspired me in terms of backgrounds and how I can make my characters more simplistic but still strong.

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