Sunday 18 November 2012

Working on the animatic

I have started on the rough animatic. Started with the first scene, taking a rough design of part of the living room, and the female character is in the process of cleaning.

The female character then goes over to the cabinet next to her to clean and she sees the photo of her and her husband on their wedding day. I wanted to have the part where she picks up the photo zoomed in on more so because I want my film to have the same type of style as a graphic novel or motion comic I thought Id create a type of split screen, having the zoomed in part slide in, in comic styled frames using the positioning key frames.

I also done a quick rough scene of the girl blinking and looking sad, which is a scene after she looks at she photo.


As well as that I have done the scene for the animatic of when the male character opens the door and comes into the kitchen, taking the design I have already come up with. With a split screen sliding in over the top which focuses on his face.

Thumbnail storyboard

These are the thumbnails Iv come up with. A rough storyboard that is mainly for me to use and understand so I know whats happening. Im currently working on a presentation storyboard which can be used for other people to understand.

Complete Female Character

This is my complete female character fully coloured, which hopefully I wont have to change because I really like the design and the colours, the technique I used to colour it and try and give it that graphic novel type design.

Saturday 17 November 2012

50's Research

Even though Iv kind of changed the story line of my film it will still be set in the 50's so what I had done and have kept doing is research things from the 50's and collected a lot of imagery such as:

50's Fashion and Hairstyles:

50's Homes:

Caroline also told me to watch 'Mad Men' because that is based in the 50's/60's and it has helped me a lot.

Sunday 11 November 2012

Concept Backgrounds

These are some different designs of some of the scenes/backgrounds that I want in the film. I'm basically just looking at the design and colour at the moment because the colours are very important in this film because the female character is going to be kind of camouflaged in the kitchen, against the cupboards etc.

New Male Character Model sheet

I have done the same for the male character as what I done with the female, just researched and came up with a new design, making the character more plumper and round which I feel gives him more character, and I really like this design.

New Female Character model sheet

My film is still going to be set in the 50's so Iv researched more for the characters, what people would wear back then and what hair styles they had, and so came up with a new design that I'm really happy with and I feel this female design fits with the male character Iv designed and the rough concept backgrounds Iv designed.

New Idea

I arranged a meeting with Leonie to have a chat and see what I should and can build on in my final film, possibly change and work more at. After speaking to Leonie Iv changed the story line but kept the same message  about a woman sort of being a slave to her husband, but its going to be more of a domestic abuse type story line  where there will just be scene after scene of him in her face, shouting etc, and you see in their shadows and things the abuse, so its kind of hidden, because I don't want to actually show any physical abuse. The female character is kind of going to have a voice over, throughout the film, saying how she is feeling. This is the rough storyboard:

New Army Female and Enemy Design

After showing my work to my lecturers Caroline and Leonie, neither of them seemed to like my designs and ideas too much, so I went back and came up with a new design for my female character:

And also the Enemy character:

Enemy Character

This is the design of the Enemy character I came up with that the female character would be fighting against in the army, but he would be basically representing her husband in a way.

Male character Model sheet

This is the Male character design that I came up with which I really like .

Female Model sheet

This is the model sheet I came up with for the female character, when she is back at home as this house wife.