Sunday 13 January 2013


My film is about domestic abuse and feminism. It is a motion graphic style animation therefore the images are going to be giving most of the information and story instead of the movement.
It is about a once was happily married couple called Maggie and George, that has turned into an abusive relationship, Maggie is so scared to even say or do anything about it, until one day it goes too far and she cannot take anymore and so she leaves to start a new life.

The audience for this film are from young adults and upwards, I want young girls to get the message from this film that its not okay to be treated this way and that they can and do have the strength and power to get out of that situation.

I will be using Photoshop for pretty much the whole of my film, to create my backgrounds, my characters, colour everything and also to animate each scene as there wont be much animating because its a motion graphic comic therefore the small bits of animating that I will be doing will be done on Photoshop, I will also be using Premiere Pro to edit my film and also to add effects to the different split screens that will be sliding and zooming in along with comic strip borders, and also using After Effects.

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