Sunday 30 September 2012


These are a few things i have come across whilst researching. These are artists and their work that I like and some that have inspired me.

Jean Giraud

Rene Gruau

Heres a short which I really liked the style of by a guy called Ben Cornelius. A film with comic book style techniques, which i really love.

Rough Sketches

One of my first rough ideas for my final film was a based on a couple, where the guy always thought his girlfriend/wife should always be in the kitchen, cooking, cleaning, and treat her like she was weak in every way because she was female. They would tell each other that he was going off to work, and she was staying at home throughout the day, but actually they were both superheroes, they would meet throughout the day, not knowing who each other actually were and as superheroes he would actually treat her as an equal because she has this physical strength.

These are just a few of some really quick, rough, sketches for this is ideas came up with.

Friday 28 September 2012

Research Videos

I have been researching short animations, but with a comic book style to help inspire me because at the moment I am unsure of how I am going to animate my final film. A lot of Comic book styled animations are usually called 'motion comics' and the characters are not fully animated, like this motion comic of 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' by Joss Whedon and artwork by Georges Jeanty and Karl Moline.

I really like the movements, the animation, and I think this works especially for me because I want to look more at character designs, background designs than the actual animating because that is what I want to be focusing on career wise, is being a character or background designer and its also what I enjoy doing the most.

Another Comic styled animation that I came across is called 'House of Night'. What I love about this is the style. Its not animated like the Buffy motion comic is, the animation seems to be more fluid and flows really well for a motion comic, but just not like a typical animation, its in between. 

Wednesday 26 September 2012


Front covers and artwork by Steve Morris that I came across whilst researching.


Steve Morris creates the artwork for 'Darkhorse' comics for 'Spike', 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' and many more. His style can be very comic book style but also has a very realistic style as well which I really like.


A few pieces of Tim Sales artwork I came across whilst researching.


One of the first artists iv been looking at to start off with, whilst thinking of my final film is a guy called Tim Sale. He created the artwork for the television show 'Heroes'.

Tim Sale is colourblind so all his work is either drawn in pencil, ink or charcoal and then scanned into the computer where it is then coloured by Dave Stewart.
I want this comic book style for my final film, Iv always loved this style of artwork and Tim Sale has always been a big inspiration for me.